A global study in 2020 reported that nearly 60 per cent of girls experience harassment on social media platforms causing them to quit their use altogether. A quick look into # LinkedInisnotTinder on LinkedIn gives one all the female testimonies to know how pervasive unwanted advances close to borderline harassment is on LinkedIn. Now of course, LinkedIn is not the only platform which has a stock of men creeping in the DMs. I know for a fact that this is not just my experience. Within a span of five minutes, without even knowing my qualification or experience, the person asked for my contact and if we could meet the next time he was in Kathmandu. The sender’s profile read that he was affiliated to one of the most renowned organisations in India.

If you’d like to contribute, kindly refer to our submission guidelines and email your articles to started with a simple message on LinkedIn enquiring about my research area.

We invite submissions on the many layers of this theme throughout the month. Editor’s Note: FII’s #MoodOfTheMonth for May, 2022 is Gender at Workplaces.